Friday, January 12, 2007

The Wolf

A pox upon this bloody bastard. The governor should be removed from the endangered species list so HE can be hunted. And who the fuck calls them selves Butch anymore anyway? I'm pissed. The wolf is hunting to survive whereas most yoyo's who hunt do it for sport and we can thank Christianity for that. See, before the introduction of Christianity, most civilized Pagan regions hunted as a means to survive. Christianity brought us hunting for sport. They said the bible said we had dominion over all the animals, so Fuck em!

Both American Indians and settlers saw the wolf as an equal and learned to hunt by observing the wolfves skill and lived in harmony with wolf.

In Iran and Japan the wolf was a god. In Scandinavian and Slavic countries the wolves were messengers of gods. Odin had two wolves which he hand fed because he only drank liquor. My kind of god!

These fucking whinners are moaning because the wolves are eating all the elk. Well they don't eat tofu you fucking useless inbreed!

My only consolation will be if old Butch Otter invites sure-shot-Cheny along and gets blasted in his fucking face.

But really the wolf represents freedom to me and we should never forget the wolf (or any other animal for that matter) has a right to exist and we, as alleged caretakers of this planet, haven't the right to take that away for the sake of sport.


Cheryl said...

Totally agree on the beautiful wolves! I cry everytime I watch 'Dances with Wolves' where those idiots shoot at Two Socks. It's media like that the provoke us silly "Americans" to continue the sport.

Becky said...

And like we really need to "hunt" when we have stock yards full of cattle. What next, shooting bears because they are eating all the salmon?

Anonymous said...

strangly ironic that a pack of wolves hunts only what it needs to feed the pack and doesn’t hunt just for the kill.

Becky said...

Dear Ironica Monica:

I agree with you. Humans are the only mammals that kill just to kill.

I thought we were the smarter ones with opposable thumbs and all, but they sure do come in handy with a weapon.