Thursday, December 21, 2006

Winter Solstice

I hope everyone had a happy Winter Solstice. I know I did. I spent the evening with friends and I have learned that no matter what gets thrown your way, you can pretty much fix anything with a good laugh among friends.

Then I came home to an empty house (my favorite) and I built my shrine, lit some candles, and reflected for awhile.

I had my grandson last night and my youngest son Jacob came to visit. Eli and Uncle Jacob decorated the tree and there is no greater joy than to witness a tradition, that in turn creates a precious memory, being handed down. Uncle Jacob taught Eli how to trim a tree and Eli taught Uncle Jacob patience and that you CAN have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the peanut butter.

Then John came home and the hell hounds descended upon me demanding red vines. Our dogs favorite bedtime snack.

I hope you all have a happy holiday and may the new year bring us all good health, many blessings and precious memories

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Scientist Stole My Idea

I just read an article where scientist have created a robot controlled by the human thoughts which is EXACTLY what I've been doing for years with my glare.

I had a close friend whose dad always thought the government was spying on him so he covered his body with magnets! And now it's all the rage.

Okay, I'm going to do it. I'm going to go out into the world and go Christmas shopping which is really Winter Solstice shopping in disguise. The reason I'm blogging is I'm hoping it will somehow go away via my glare.

Okay, apparently it's not working yet.

Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. A dangerous time in our history as food and firewood were running low. No one knew what the winter storms would bring. So to appease the gods they lit a yule log for Thor and gave gifts. Winter Solstice usually falls on a Thursday. Coincidence? I think not. December 21's is also Frank Zappa's birthday. One more reason to celebrate. "How's your auro Dora? It's real angora"

The only trees to remain green were the evergreen (Tannenbaum)trees so they lit candles on the tree, gave gifts to the gods in hopes that the Sun would return. Another tradition is mistletoe. Frigga, Baldur's mother ordered each plant to promise not to harm her child. Loki-ever the prankster and god of the Hoki Poki-took advantage of the situation and tricked one of the gods into killing Baldur with mistletoe. Baldur (the god of light) was later resurrected. His Mother, Frigga, ordered the plant from that day forward to bring love into the world rather than death. Now we celebrate the resurrection of Balder by kissing under the mistletoe. Read your Poetic Edda people, I don't make this crap up!

So with the longer nights comes darkness and with darkness comes death ~go not gently into that good night~ as Dylan Thomas said, it is only natural to become depressed this time of year. But be of good cheer, Marc, for with the Winter Solstice comes longer days and spring and new life.

Okay, my plan didn't work. I'm going out there people! It's freaking Ragnarok out there.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


I'm driving to work this morning, late as usual, and I notice this construction truck. The reason I noticed the truck is it veered into my lane and almost fucking hit me. I couldn't glare at the driver because the windows were tinted. Yes, my glare can cause serious side effects. You do NOT want to receive my "glare". So I'm looking for something to remember this driver by in case I see the driver in a darkend alley. Get this, the name on the door is FCT Construction - Port Hueneme. Now I have even more reason to hate the drive because growing up in Oxnard (Bull Balls California) we HATED people from Port Hueneme. I can't remember why, but it was a Hatfield and McCoy thing.

In my head, of course, I'm pronouncing it Fucked Construction and wondering "who would do business with a company with fucked in its' title?" And why didn't I think of it first? And what is their catchy slogan? "Hire us and get FCT?" Or "if you don't hire us, you're fucked'" Compliments of Sura.

Our catchy phrase is "Gojkovich and Family Nepotism begins at home". Because nepotism does begin at home. Why after baseball, it's our national past-time. When Kennedy was president he appointed his brother to be Attorney General. When Clinton was president he put his wife in charge of health care. The first person I ever paid to do things around my house was my child. In fact, that's why I had them in the first place. I certainly wasn't going to do all those mundane things around the house like pick up after the dog and mow the lawn.

I actually had other children so the first one could be head babysitter. Well, he wanted a fucking raise! Damn unions.

Well, I arrived late, had coffee, worked on my blog and went to the Roach Coach. So I guess I should do something productive now.

I think I'll look up live journals and then maybe do some shopping on Amazon. They carry clothes from Chico's now!

Happy Thor's Day

Saturday, December 09, 2006

New Magnet For The Holidays

I bought myself a new magnet for my refrigerator collection for the holidays.
I think he's very festive and the statement is quite profound. As your all know fuck is my favorite word. fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucKKKKKK
You gotta emphasize on the f's and then the hard K at the end. When pronounced correctly, it's a beautiful thing.

And speaking of fucked. It is now time to write to the Parole Board on Elmo's behalf which I did yesterday and will mail next week.. It's due by December 18th so I'm going to post it and any input would be greatly appreciated. He goes before a panel of three appointed ex law enforcement personnel ( unbiased, I'm sure) As Elmo stated in his letter to me, "never mind that the Deputy District Attorney came to my first parole hearing admitting he still had doubts, never mind that in 1984 I was granted a Parole date at my first hearing, nevermind that my parole date was subsequently rescinded," altogether now FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK
"Please know that I am doing well." Donald Gardner, the Deputy District Attorney that put Elmo in jail, told me personally that he would not retire until he saw Elmo free. He has since retired. Okay, so the following is my letter. I get emotional so I need unbiased opinions.

December 8, 2006

Chairperson, Board of Parole Hearings
Post Office Box 4036
Sacramento, CA 95812-4036

Regarding: Elmo Chattman C-05575
Post Recision #9

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to the Board on behalf of my friend Elmo Chattman in hopes that you will give him a parole date as he has been in prison for over 28 years. Elmo and I have been friends for well over 30 years. We have corresponded while he has been in prison, spoke over the phone numerous times and I have visited him once.

I would not have remained friends with Elmo all these years if I did not believed that he would be a law-abiding citizen upon his release. And I cannot stress enough that the time Elmo has spent in prison is far too long for aiding and abetting his brother who killed a man in his presence 28 years ago.

I know that Elmo has a job waiting for him upon his release in the Marin County area and he also has been offered housing by Polly Walton.

However, if he needs to be released to Ventura County first, my husband and I who are homeowners have offered Elmo a place to stay. We are also both gainfully employed. I have worked in the Aerospace Industry for over 18 years and my husband has been abricklayer for 29 years. My husband has made many contacts in the constructions industry over the years, and with Elmo’s skills as a cabinetmaker, finding Elmo employment should not be difficult. We also have an extra truck that is available for Elmo to use.

Elmo has made improvements in his life while being incarcerated by earning a B.A in Journalism and his goal is to continue his education in Journalism at UC Berkeley to earn his Masters upon his release.

Putting all emotion aside, I feel compelled as a taxpayer in the State of California to voice my concerns of the economic burden placed upon myself by housing an inmate who has the ability and resources to contribute to society in a law abiding manner.

I understand that releasing an inmate is an important decision to make. I thank you for your time and consideration in this matter and I trust that you will weigh all the facts before you and look upon Elmo as a human being worthy of release.


Quality Control Manager (should I put my job title?)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Our Library in Complete

The library is now complete with the addition of a picture by David Rivas.

John and I just love it. I want to write it a poem.

Ode to my Picture
Yellow Sun descends upon
Polluted reeds of Metallic Green
As Blue Sky concedes to Black

Slowly we submerge
Eternally, we are as one
Golden like the setting sun

You know, something like that!

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Moon Before Yule

Tonight is the Full Cold Moon also known as the Moon before Yule. Each full moon has a name. Did you know that? Last month it was a Beaver Moon which means it's time to set the beaver traps. Next year we're going to call it the Britney Moon. Good Lord you could see what she had for breakfast!

In any event, mark your calendars because before you know it the Winter Solstice will be upon us. Get yourself or a friend a nice white candle to light that night just as the sun begins to set. Or if you're near a forest dance naked.

"The longest time of Darkness in the year is called "Night of the Mother", as the Goddess labors to birth Light back into the world. At Winter solstice, the sun dies. Time stops. Then as Freya spins the wheel of fate once again, "Jul" in Norse, the sun is reborn. Her hand holds the spindle, a symbol of women's wisdom and skill. From her basket, she plucks a handful of wool, freshly combed but still unformed. Placing it on her wheel, she makes the ancient sure-handed gestures of the spinners, pulling the wool, winding it about the distaff, working it to a smooth and useful shape. So doing, she reminds us of her presence in the cycle of death and rebirth."

To all my God Fearing friends:

You can always pray for me
As long as I can dance naked in the forest for you.

And I tell you what, dancing naked is a hell of a lot funner than sitting on your knees.

Don't get me wrong, I've had fun on my knees, but strangely it never involved praying. Damned if my train of thought didn't get derailed again.

For my Children Descendents of the Ash and Elm

Listen my children, come gather ye round
for I have a fine story to tell
One of viking and lords and mystical fjords
and a women (how appropriate) named Hel

Of the Yggdrasil tree ever pure ever green
With leaves that never wither or die
Look closely tonight as the North star shines bright
Can you see the Norns weave our Fate in the sky?

In honor of Thor put a Yule log on the fire
For fallen Berserkers let them hear your proud screams
And the Bilfrost bridge just over the ridge
Will lead us to the land of dreams.

My sons, keep holy always the Mother Night
Winster Solstice, the return of the Sun
Why even the Christians (who stole our traditions)
Partake in this glorious fun.

For Jessica