Thursday, December 14, 2006


I'm driving to work this morning, late as usual, and I notice this construction truck. The reason I noticed the truck is it veered into my lane and almost fucking hit me. I couldn't glare at the driver because the windows were tinted. Yes, my glare can cause serious side effects. You do NOT want to receive my "glare". So I'm looking for something to remember this driver by in case I see the driver in a darkend alley. Get this, the name on the door is FCT Construction - Port Hueneme. Now I have even more reason to hate the drive because growing up in Oxnard (Bull Balls California) we HATED people from Port Hueneme. I can't remember why, but it was a Hatfield and McCoy thing.

In my head, of course, I'm pronouncing it Fucked Construction and wondering "who would do business with a company with fucked in its' title?" And why didn't I think of it first? And what is their catchy slogan? "Hire us and get FCT?" Or "if you don't hire us, you're fucked'" Compliments of Sura.

Our catchy phrase is "Gojkovich and Family Nepotism begins at home". Because nepotism does begin at home. Why after baseball, it's our national past-time. When Kennedy was president he appointed his brother to be Attorney General. When Clinton was president he put his wife in charge of health care. The first person I ever paid to do things around my house was my child. In fact, that's why I had them in the first place. I certainly wasn't going to do all those mundane things around the house like pick up after the dog and mow the lawn.

I actually had other children so the first one could be head babysitter. Well, he wanted a fucking raise! Damn unions.

Well, I arrived late, had coffee, worked on my blog and went to the Roach Coach. So I guess I should do something productive now.

I think I'll look up live journals and then maybe do some shopping on Amazon. They carry clothes from Chico's now!

Happy Thor's Day


Beatriz said...

I'm bookmarking Chico's at Amazon! I love that store.

Becky said...

Did you know, if you have a wish list at Amazon, you can put Chico's stuff on it?