I just read an article where scientist have created a robot controlled by the human thoughts which is EXACTLY what I've been doing for years with my glare.
I had a close friend whose dad always thought the government was spying on him so he covered his body with magnets! And now it's all the rage.
Okay, I'm going to do it. I'm going to go out into the world and go Christmas shopping which is really Winter Solstice shopping in disguise. The reason I'm blogging is I'm hoping it will somehow go away via my glare.
Okay, apparently it's not working yet.
Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. A dangerous time in our history as food and firewood were running low. No one knew what the winter storms would bring. So to appease the gods they lit a yule log for Thor and gave gifts. Winter Solstice usually falls on a Thursday. Coincidence? I think not. December 21's is also Frank Zappa's birthday. One more reason to celebrate. "How's your auro Dora? It's real angora"
The only trees to remain green were the evergreen (Tannenbaum)trees so they lit candles on the tree, gave gifts to the gods in hopes that the Sun would return. Another tradition is mistletoe. Frigga, Baldur's mother ordered each plant to promise not to harm her child. Loki-ever the prankster and god of the Hoki Poki-took advantage of the situation and tricked one of the gods into killing Baldur with mistletoe. Baldur (the god of light) was later resurrected. His Mother, Frigga, ordered the plant from that day forward to bring love into the world rather than death. Now we celebrate the resurrection of Balder by kissing under the mistletoe. Read your Poetic Edda people, I don't make this crap up!
So with the longer nights comes darkness and with darkness comes death ~go not gently into that good night~ as Dylan Thomas said, it is only natural to become depressed this time of year. But be of good cheer, Marc, for with the Winter Solstice comes longer days and spring and new life.
Okay, my plan didn't work. I'm going out there people! It's freaking Ragnarok out there.
Spring may be just around the corner, but there's still a lot of winter to get through.
But at least after Thursday, the days will no longer be getting shorter. Now how's that for optimism?
See, it's working already.
And we Pagan's celebrate this Thursday the Winter Solstice which is a day after Haunkkah is over I think.
Cool, we celebrate light in the same week, huh?
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