Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Little Working Man

I just couldn't resit taking this picture this morning as Jacob made his lunch for work. John gave him an old lunch box and he bought him Gatorade and Root Beer and cooked him dinner last night. Fried potatoes with fried eggs and fried sausage smothered in cheese and John's homemade salsa. Manly food.

As you can see in the background I have a pile of dishes and another load was already in the dishwasher. The boy eats like a freaking hoover.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Randon Rantings

So, it is now day 3,496 that I have been held captive by my Central Park Hoodie. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it sure seems like it. Not only did I screw up on the cables on the front panels the first time, but the second round I neglected to change my needle from a 6 to 8 after I ripped it out again. So, I have now ripped it out for a third time and we will just see what blond moment I have next. I'm not even going to jinx it by showing a progress pictures.

But I will share the lovely yarn that arrived today. It is called Sea Silk and it is just beautiful and they sent the nicest card along with it. I bought it online at Knit-Purl I have no idea what I will knit yet, most likely a shawl, but it is so soft.

I was pleasantly surprised to have Jacob "fruit of my looms" stay the night and his pets sure were ever so glad to see him again. Both pets use to sleep with him when he lived at home. So, to get you up to speed, he's no longer working in the meat department in the Valley. He is now an apprentice in the Carpenter's Union and he's working at the Oaks. So it's closer from here than the valley to drive. And I happen to have stuff to make sandwiches in my refrigerator. (See this is why every time they move out I fill a room with yarn)

This kid changes jobs like I buy yarn. I can't keep up with him anymore. Oh to be young and adventurous again. Wait! I was adventurous last Friday when Sandy, Sophia and I and went to Adventures for Kids and we each got a copy of the new Harry Potter book.

It sure was great to be in an independent book store again.

Okay, Miss Sophia, I updated my blog. Tag, you're it!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

What a Weekend!

I can remember putting my boys into the back seat and driving and them falling asleep like it was just yesterday. Oh, wait it was yesterday! John, Sean and I drove to Canoga Park to pick up Jacob's uncle and then on to Woodland Hills to watch Jacob graduate. I had to miss knit night! And being the Fruit of my Looms that he is Jacob was the ABSOLUTE LAST graduate to walk across the stage.

I know, I should be proud and bragging, but it was hot and they handed out these plasting hands for clapping and there were kids behind me and I was about to ready to go ape shit.

So, we went to dinner with his uncle and buzzin cousins Krissy and Ikaika

Then today I dive to my local coffee shop and they are having a dad gum street fair and the streets were blocked and parking was jacked up so needless to say I was quite cranky by the time I got my morning cup of coffee. And Arson was there with his bible study group, saw I was cranky and gave me a rose. And then he told the group I was his adopted mom. Is that not the sweetest thing?

Came home in a good mood and and was going to do housework and I always start with the bed and since Louis refused to move I went on strike.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Did I Mention I Was Born With My Foot In My Mouth?

I was hanging out at my local coffee shop today knitting where I meet the nicest people. Okay, he wasn't there today, but I did buy him someting for his nose.

So, I'm knitting and as always, knitting is an ice breaker and people come up, ask questions, yadda yadda yadda. So today this lovely couple were in town from Thousand Oaks. Big drive. She was admiring my Central Park Hoodie and we talked about yarn stores. She'd never heard of AFY so I gave her directions. A really nice lady. They're getting ready to go to Florida. She knit a sweater for her granddaughter and her grandson wants a vest.

So, then her husband and I start to talk and they had gone to see the Tennessee Three last night in the park. We have free concerts in Constitution Park during the summer months and John and I had gone with Sandy and Marty and we had a great time, but we never heard the end of where Sandy and I had strategically situated the chairs. You see, when we placed the chairs on the grass they were in the shade. When we went back to watch the concert the sun HAD MOVED! True story, I wouldn't shit you.

Okay, so back to the coffee shop. So this man and I were talking about the concert and how they should do someting about the kids running around and then he says something silly about women and knitting. And my standard line with all men is "Did you bring your whittling?" And I'll be go to hell if that man didn't show me a scar about three inches long on his left hand (palm area) that he got from WHITTLING! "True story", his wife said.

Who the fuck still whittles?

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Hi, My Name Is Eli

And it's been eight minutes since I had my last hit of catnp.

I walked in the door and sprawled all over the floor was Eli and a bag of catnip accidently left where he had access.

How long he was rolling around in the catnip I have no idea, but he was toasted when I got home. At one point he bumped the door and thought it was attacking him.

Louis tried to cut in on the action and then a fight broke out and I had to send him outside.

I'm thinking an intervention is in order.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

If You're Not Outraged You're Not Paying Attention

I am not a viewer of the O'Reilly Cluster Fuck, but I caught a glimpse of it last night at JJ's and the bastard was talking smack about Will Ferrells' the Landlord. How the fuck is that news? It's comedy much like the mayor's extramarital affair. What a joke.

Al Gore's son caught with drugs WHILE DRIVING A PRIUS is not news. But the fact they go 100mph is.

The fact that a lake disappeared in two months due to global warming is news.

And today of all days, this is news
and this is news.

To all the men and women who serve their country, I thank you for your service.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Conversations with Mother

Mother told me a story she made up about me and my pets today.

Louis to Eli: Have you notice how clean the place is these days?

Eli to Louis: Yes, and have you noticed our owner has started to grow claws?

Louis to ELi: Yes I did. You don't think she'll start using the litter box do you?

Hank to the cats: Hell no her butt's too big.

Is it any wonder I turned out like I did?