Wednesday, July 04, 2007

If You're Not Outraged You're Not Paying Attention

I am not a viewer of the O'Reilly Cluster Fuck, but I caught a glimpse of it last night at JJ's and the bastard was talking smack about Will Ferrells' the Landlord. How the fuck is that news? It's comedy much like the mayor's extramarital affair. What a joke.

Al Gore's son caught with drugs WHILE DRIVING A PRIUS is not news. But the fact they go 100mph is.

The fact that a lake disappeared in two months due to global warming is news.

And today of all days, this is news
and this is news.

To all the men and women who serve their country, I thank you for your service.


Anonymous said...

yes, today is a day to reflect. Let's all pay attention! Today and everyday...

Cheryl said...

Surprised you didn't mention Paris' release from jail all over the news and the bubble-headed Larry King interview later that evening as not newsworhty. I guess we all have our priorities on what we pay attention to ;)

Becky said...

Can you believe Larry King bumped Michael Moore for Paris? Here we have a nation of uninsured citizens. I don't watch that show either, but I found out on Jon Stewart?

But she got an honorable mention a few posts ago because they sold her trash on e-bay.