Saturday, June 16, 2007

Classmates dot com

I received an e-mail from an old schoolmate. We've kept in touch via classmates which is a way cool venue for keeping in touch with old friends.

James and I had this class called "outdoor education" together with Coach Tacket (aka Ticky Tackett) where the class met in the football field and tied knots and maybe they taught us how to put up tents. I don't recall all of the details because it was the '70's. Need I say more? I think we walked to the beach for our final exam and had a bbq. Anyway I know we had food because James brought pancit which I had never had before and James claims I called it something expletive. Me? Why,I would never do such a thing. Anyway, I love the stuff.

So, anywho James is going to be playing at the Majestic Ventura Theater this weekend (June 22nd) with the Kelly Richie Band

I think it 's time for the knitster sisters to have a non-knit night.
So check out the link I've attached and if you like what you hear come join John and me and maybe you ladies can get him drunk and talk him into remodeling your kitchens.


Laura said...

i make excellent pancit or pancit canton.

Cheryl said...

John interested in remodeling my bathroom? He saw what I want done at my BBQ.

Love pancit! Anything that relates to noodles or pasta is indulgence for me.