Since I have nothing of interest to write about I thought I'd post some dreams I had last night.
I’m in a house that is built for left handed people and it is for sale. It is a split, multi-level house. Everywhere I walk I am disoriented. I can barely manage the stairs that lead to the kitchen. The walls are covered in wood panelling and the windows are really high becase the living room ceiling is open to the top floor. I don't know how many stories it has. Each floor doesn't have walls, but are wood rails that you can stand and look down into the living room. It's very open and spacious. There is a microwave oven in an awkward position and I keep thinking to myself that I have to tell Beatriz about this house. I’m so excited for her.
I wake up go back to sleep.
I am watching a coworker shoot at targets. They are the blackest, rustiest cans you can imagine. Another co-worker walks up and he is covered in an Indian blanket that goes to the ground. He looks sick and cold. Sticking out from the blanket I notice he is wearing the shiniest, blackest shoes. The kind you would wear with a tuxedo. I notice the contrast and I think something is wrong. Suddenly the guy shooting at targets hits one close to the guy with the blanket and he is splattered with this black, rusty crap.
I wake up and go back to sleep.
I’m walking with a bunch of girls from the yarn store and we all have tickets to have sushi. I see an old friend on a little black horse. Not a pony, but a small, skinny horse. I talk to her about her horse and ask about her daughter and I invite her to join us for dinner because she wants to learn how to knit. She goes to put the horse away, and I go to dinner and someone is driving me in my truck. On the way to the restaurant I see a bear and it is devouring the little black horse. We are on J Street in Oxnard near where I lived as a child. To the bears right are two (2) moose grazing in the grass in the front yard. I ask the driver to stop so I can take pictures of the moose. The driver backs up and then goes forward without stopping. I am amazed that the moose are grazing this close to a bear eating a horse. Now there are people around the bear and the horse and they are now running after the truck. I ask the driver to stop and the driver keeps going even though they could easily just jump into the back of the truck.
I wake up and think to myself I should remember this dream. I get dressed for work and am kind of groggy because it seems like I have been dreaming all night and when I walk out the door I step on something, I hear a sound, not a squeak, but a soft air-like sound and I look down and am standing on a dead rat that my cat has brought me as a gift. Naturally I jump, hurt my back and am suddenly wondering if I am still dreaming.
And this rat couldn’t have looked deader. It was flat on his back, legs in the air, dead.
So, anybody want to interpret that?