Sunday, October 21, 2007
Fire Season
Friday, October 19, 2007
Homeland Security My Ass
I tell you what, that is not going to look good on a resume.
And to your left, my right, you can see what use to be Louisiana. I can see the Spike Lee Documentary trailer already.
It flew across three states carrying six missiles. Apparently, it breached such a level that they had to notify Bush. Egad, I bet he was pissed. What else could possibly go wrong while he is in office? His curse is damn-near, dare I say it, of BIBLICAL proportions? Okay, so let's refresh our memories on what has happened thus far. Ready?

There was 9/11. (But, we don't fuck around when it comes to building Embassiess in the Emerald City.) There was that Space Shuttle that disintegrated over Texas. There was Hurricane Katrina.There was that slight oil spill in Alaska. I think there was an alleged flu pandemic somewhere in the mix.
Oh, but there have been good times too. Remember the time Dubya forgot to chew his pretzel before he swallowed? Oh, how I laughed and laughed at that one. He really is "the accidental president". But seriously, who fucking chokes on a pretzel? That's what you get for gagging me.
There was the time he fell off his bike in Scotland and again in Texas. Oh, he works hard to raise our spirits.
What next? Panty raids at Gitmo?
Okay, your turn. Post as many Bush Blunders that you can remember or place a wager on what could possibly go wrong next.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Ever Had One Of Those Days
Sandy, Lisa, Terry and I went on a road trip to Wild Fiber for some Koigu. Sandy was going to drive so we met up at her house. Terry forgot her knitting so she graciously volunteered to drive and off we go.
By the time we got to Wild Fiber, poor Terry is a nervous wreck from Lisa and myself hollering last minute directions from, where else, the back seat. Well, we were knitting and would look up at the last minute. We get to the front after a series of u-turns and cutting across driveways and Sandy had to parallel park. She is great at it, by the way.
I bought some koigu to make a baby jacket, some Socks that Rock to make a scarf from a free pattern from Natasha (the new owner) and some blue Baby Alpaca because apparently Lisa thinks I should be bathed in blue, so who am I to argue. I buy my stuff. Terry buys some stuff. Sandy rings her stuff up and decides to put something back on the shelf, sees the amount on the register and is SHOCKED at how much money some people will spend on yarn only to realize it was hers. OMG where's my phone?
There is four of us and we made at least eight trips to the cash register. While I was waiting for them to ring up there cash and prizes I spotted this purse and had to have it. It was actually calling out to me or maybe I'm hearing voices. We got directions to go eat at a coffee shop owned by Bob Dylan, we go out to Terry's car and she asks if someone will drive. Sandy volunteers, we get our bags put away and seated when Sandy turns the key to start the engine and the alarm goes off. The car wouldn't start the alarm wouldn't turn off. Lisa is suppose to be back by two to pickup her car. Sandy feels bad becasue she thinks she broke something. I'm wondering if it would be rude to return to the store and knit (where they have a/C) while they sort this out. So basically, all we needed at this point was a monkey and a football.
Terry decides to cut some wire and that didn't work. I call John and he doesn't answer the phone so I call my step-son and he thinks cutting wires probably isn't a good idea. I walk across the street to a British car mechanic ( who si obvioulsy not British) and he directs me to a 76 Station. Get back to the car, Lisa gets hold of the dealer in Thousand Oaks on her cell, they walk Terry through a serious of locking and unlocking her doors and the car still won't start and the alarm still won't stop so they suggest she get towed. Egad!
Lisa and I walk up to the 76 Station, talk to "Hector" the mechanic, he seems extremely amused by our story and volunteers to take a look at the car for us. We walk back and Terry had HOT WIRED HER CAR! She's like McGyver, only with yarn. How Terry knew how to hot wire a car I really didn't want to pry, but I was extremely impressed.
We went to the 18 Street Coffee Shop, which had a great atmosphere, had some great food and planned a bank heist for next week.
It was a great adventure. Good times, Good times.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I Feel Like A Fraud
I didn't know until I read on the internet that he had been homeless. Which I find ironic because whenever I am asked why do I associate with Arson, who is homeless, I always resonded that he's somebody's son and I would hope that if it ever happened to one of mine someone would do the same.
So, to make a long story short my parental skills are somewhat sketchy, but in the meantime, I'm waiting on that "my son was inmate of the month" bumper sticker because they've already made him a trustee.
I'm hoping that somewhere in Texarkana, over a bowl of grits for breakfast, something profound will have a "sobering" effect on Joseph, but I don't dare say it out loud because I use to wish my boys would read and I received my first letter from Joseph and at the end of his apology was a request for books.
Moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for and the first thirty years of parenthood really are the hardest.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Three Kids and a Funeral
Roger and Jacob were pallbearers and Sean was in full dress, as Grandpa Gedies had joined the Navy at the ripe old age of 16. Sean marched in front of the coffin as his brothers and other family members carried it into the church and gave Grandpa Gedies one more salute.
Then after the Mass we went to the cemetary and the boys carried Grandpa Gedies one more time to his final resting place. Sean presented a flag to Grandma Gedies and brought an additional flag that had been given to him for his service in Iraq. The flag was flown over Iraq and he presented it to his Uncle Danny, which made it so very special.
I shed tears both for the loss of life and out of pride for my boys for stepping up at a time when someone else needed them.
And to top off the day, Jacob's girlfriend called to let us know she had passed the test Jacob had been helping her with to become a US Citizen.
I don't think I've ever been prouder of those boys.