Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fire Season

This is the view from my backyard today. Where there is brown sky you would normally see the foothills. And geez, we have a lot of lines near those euc's. Our poor critters are all in a snit and Blue has taken to barking at the wind.
I was all alone in my department today. My boss doesn't work on Monday's. David had to leave early and pick up his kids because his wife was stuck on some freeway that was shutdown due to power lines. Cornwell's on oxygen and can't leave the house and Tony was sick, too. And I forgot to bring my knitting! Bud, our Village Idiot due to affirmative action, pissed me off again so he bought me lunch. This is really working out nicely for me.
The wind has been wreaking havoc in Camarillo. Knocking over trees and what not. And speaking of trees, it has always fascinated me how trees have adapted to or evolved with fire. Like the Manzanita, for example. It's seeds are refractory, meaning they won't germinate until after being exposed to fire. It needs fire.
So, a seed can lie on the bed of a forest for a hundred years and along comes a fire and out of that destruction comes new life. I think it gives me hope.


Anonymous said...

Cornwell's on oxygen, and can't leave the house!

When did his happen?

Becky said...

He went on oxygen Sunday. He came in today for half a day. The air quality is still real bad here and he seems real tired.

I told him to get a mask from grinding. You should see the plant it is such a mess. There is debris everywhere.

Stay home!