To those that think I am a wonderful parent, I have a confession to make. My son Joseph is in jail. I'm not proud of it and I know he isn't either. I just needed to come clean due to the recent posts regarding my "awesomeness" as a parent.
I didn't know until I read on the internet that he had been homeless. Which I find ironic because whenever I am asked why do I associate with Arson, who is homeless, I always resonded that he's somebody's son and I would hope that if it ever happened to one of mine someone would do the same.
So, to make a long story short my parental skills are somewhat sketchy, but in the meantime, I'm waiting on that "my son was inmate of the month" bumper sticker because they've already made him a trustee.
I'm hoping that somewhere in Texarkana, over a bowl of grits for breakfast, something profound will have a "sobering" effect on Joseph, but I don't dare say it out loud because I use to wish my boys would read and I received my first letter from Joseph and at the end of his apology was a request for books.
Moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for and the first thirty years of parenthood really are the hardest.
Becky, you are not the least bit 'sketchy'. You have given your boys all the best tools available; how they choose to use them is not a refelction on you. This too will pass my friend. Love ya!
Thank you Monica.
I got the yarn, it's beautiful.
Love and miss you
PS today is Elmo's b-day
miss becky! this doesn't change my opinion at all, you've been a great mama to me always.
Let's hope my niece and your son never meet each other. We would be the next Thelma and Louise.
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