Sunday, July 09, 2006

We Blazed a New Trail

Bubba and I went out today and we blazed a new trail. This is not the trail we blazed, although we did walk on it for awhile.

No, the trail Bubba and I blazed wasn't a trial until we got done with it. That's the whole point. To go somewhere where it is obviously not a trail and see if you can get you horse to cooperate and create a new one.

Bubba did get a bit uppity with me at first, because he likes to throw his head around and snort and make it known that he doesn't like this at all. He even turned around on me and tried to go home. But I was persistent and he gave in which means he trusted me. He's a flight animal so he would rather run away than face the unknown. I do it to build his trust in me. I gently force him to do something new and then he realizes it's not so bad. I'm not going to take him somewhere that he is going to get hurt and he can trust me as his leader. And he showed me that he did by going.

Then we came across more bones and this one in particular caught my eye as it was huge. We wandered around for awhile trying to find the skull because I want to know what the hell it was, but we never did find it. Maybe another ride we will though.
When we got back Bubba had a much needed bath. Then he had a snack.

And then he found the right spot.

And then Bubba had a good role in the dirt. It was another great ride together. We conquered fears and Bubba sure seemed happy to be home.


Christina said...

Wonderful! Bubba always looks so happy to be rolling it the dirt. Aren't you ever tempted to try it?

I think the bone is a T-Rex.

Becky said...

Yes, I am tempted, but what would the neighbors think?

They already look at me strange because I still run out of the house after the ice cream man and have been observed in the Target parking lot riding the shopping carts.

Anonymous said...

I don't need no stinkin' bath.