Friday, May 26, 2006

Letters about Elmo

Regulations UnitCalifornia Department of Corrections
1515 S Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Ms. ________:

I have a friend who is in prison and has been for over 27 years. We have been friends since high school. Recenty, I sent him some gifts, a book of poetry by Rumi and an art book “A Star for Noon” by Gordon Parks.

While he was allowed to keep the book of poetry he was denied the art book, of female nudes with still lifes, 18 previously unpublished poems and a CD of chamber music, which was returned to me because of nudity in the art book.

There is a vast difference between female nudity in the form of art, which is respectful and pornography, which is not. As a woman, you should know this.

When the gift I gave was returned to me, I was both frightened and frustrated. I had no idea that in our enlightened society a human being could be denied art.

Please understand that I am fully aware that my ratings in the form of a simple letter will in no way change things. But I am still compelled to voice my concerns in this matter.

In other words, I have to try to change things. What am I if I fail to try?

Art lifts and heals the human spirit. Why those who are imprisoned are denied exposure to art -of any form- is beyond my realm of understanding.


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