I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. Does anyone have anything to add?
October 7th, 2006
D. J. Sotelo, Code Enforcement Officer
Code Enforcement Division
Department of Community Development
601 Carmen Drive
Camarillo, CA 93011-0248
Dear Mr. Sotelo:
Your letter of October 2nd, has me somewhat confused. You state in your letter that, “a subsequent field inspection revealed that you have failed to comply with the municipal code AND you refrained from contacting us to discuss the matter or request additional time to correct the stated violations.” What are you, new? That is an untrue statement.
As you are obviously unaware, upon receiving your original letter of September 7th, I went to the City of Camarillo on September 15th, and discussed the situation. I requested that the sidewalk in front of my residence be fixed before landscaping the parkway as the sidewalk has been lifted by roots and needs to be fixed. I was given a copy of the Camarillo Request for Service that was issued September 15th, it states, “Code enforcement case – needs to be taken car of ASAP. Homeowner waiting until sidewalk fixed.” Someone from the city came and cut the roots off of the tree, painted the sidewalk orange along the crack and we were told that someone would return and fix the sidewalk. So we have been waiting for the sidewalk to be fixed.
But now, not only do I have a sidewalk that is a hazard to pedestrians, but a tree that is now a hazard because it’s root system has been severed. We all know when roots are severed, trees often die, limbs fall off and the tree sometimes falls over, or if I’m lucky, multiple roots will grow where the other roots were severed. The most efficient thing to have done would have been for the city to place a barrier between the tree and the sidewalk so the sidewalk doesn’t get worse, or if I dare say, the sidewalk gets fixed like I asked in the first place. You see, this would preclude this from happening again. Call me crazy, but I really have a problem with my tax dollars being spent on the same mistake twice.
Furthermore I am incensed that because I dared to request that a hazardous sidewalk be fixed I have now incurred another hazard in the form of a tree that could topple due to incompetence.
So in closing, to preclude further hazards from incompetent city workers, the parkway has been irrigated and landscaped.
I would like to take this opportunity to report graffiti on my sidewalk, but I'm afraid what that might entail.
Rebecca K. Gojkovich
Living in fear in Camarillo
ROCK ON! And who in the hell has given permission to the establishments like, the tatoo parlor, the "let us cash your check because no bank will do business with you" office, the new pawn shop, and the disgusting thrift store where when you walk in, the smell of cat piss makes your head spin. Is there really a NEED for these stores in Camarillo? Call me a snob or whatever you'd like but get these damn out of Camarillo. I didn't spend $500,000 fucking dollars on a home to not give a damn about the town around it. If I wanted to live in Oxnard I would have moved there.
And that surprises you because...
It is unfortunate that our government officials are selected among the stupidest in the country. There is no way they could ever get a job in the private sector.
The truly unfortunate part is we pay their salaries, and they typically have far better healthcare and pension benefits then we will ever have, which we will continue to pay for even after losing ours.
Sandy: Damn I don't ever want to get you pissed off ;-)
Marc, that was truly depressing. But then the truth often is.
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