Sunday, October 15, 2006

First Fire of The Season

Since I'm damn near freezing here in California (I believe it was a brisk 72 today) we had our first fire in the new fire place and the majority of the animals were in favor.

Louis and Eli debate over who will investigate.

Louis was brave and went first.

Eli, ever the ham, took advantage of a photo op.

Stops to smell roses.

And then takes a nap.

Old Blue came and warmed his bones.

While Louis takes refuge under the coffee table and stared into the fire while pondering the meaning of life. This cat is deep.


Anonymous said...

Everything is right in the world when you're knitting in front of the fire and all your "babies" are around you. At moments like this I wouldn't even cared if it snowed. Louis is so cute with his foot hanging off.

Jessica said...

Your house is stunning.


Becky said...

Oh thank you. Can't wait for you to get home so we can have another party.

Maybe I'll have a kitchen table by then.:-)