Thursday, September 21, 2006

Concerned Knitters For America

We interrupt your regular blog to bring this important announcement. Heather is joining the Republican Party. We repeat Heather is joining the Republican Party and her first act as a Repubican will be to form her own chapter of Concerned Knitters For America in honor of her hero Nancy Reagan. Who knew? Julie and I dual with our cameras. (banjos play in the background)

Heather sleeps while sitting up as she is certain clowns will kill her. She even made a freakin shirt and want's to buy a button machine

Side Note: There is much discussion about Pirates, dildos, remote controls, dildos with remote controls, fire dancers and guess who's sleeping with "the man upstairs".

Cheryl is wondering what the house is going to look like when she gets home after realizing she left the furbees alone with fresh batteries and a six pack of beer.

This has been a strange turn of events. We return you now to your regular blog.


Christina said...

Oooooohhhh. grrrr....I wish, I Wish, I WISH I could have been there.

I hate my life. (please note: I have now been scheduled as one of the store's closing shift leads which is a great promotion BUT now I work until 8 every night. bah.)

Becky said...

Heather: Yeah, one of those furbees said I was boring!! what nerve!

Christine: We miss you sweetie!!

Don't be a hater! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thursday night was a blast! Where did you get the clown shirt from!?!?!?! We need these!

Becky said...

Go to and click on I Hate Clowns. They even have buttons!!!!!!!!!!

They have a knitting section too. With baby t-shirts that say Mama is a yarn ho