Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Suicidal Tendencies

This morning my husband calls me to tell me Johnny Lang has a new CD out today. Things like this occur to him while struck in traffic. And while he’s stuck in traffic some young person passes him on the right side in the emergency lane on the freeway!

I drive to work and a kid wearing a sweatshirt with his hood pulled so low thereby blocking his peripheral vision pulls out in front of me on his motocross bicycle hears me, flips around, sees oncoming traffic and then flips back around and sees I've stopped so he crosses the road in morning rush hour traffic.

I wanted to kick the fucking shit out of him while screaming at him about how badly I would have felt had I actually ran him over.

It made me miss my boys.


Jessica said...

Those jokers on the bikes in California drive me crazy! Between traffic on the freeway? Are they crazy? I'm already a bit of a nervous Nelly on 101, and crazy bikers put me over the edge.

Becky said...

You would not believe the 101 lately. It's like living in LA!