Friday, September 22, 2006

Tis Better To Give

It’s been a great week for gift giving.

George Lucas gave 175 Million to USC.

The Gates Foundation gave 1.8 billion to a Los Angeles Charter school organization.

And my man Bubba, aka Bill Clinton, hosted a conference and was able to get 215 world leaders, corporate giants and various celebrities together for three days and they have collectively pledged 7.3 billion to help reduce global warming, fight third world poverty, disease and ethnic strife.

And this was his debut conference.

I feel all warm and fuzzy.


Jessica said...

When I was living in Chicago and Clinton was soon to leave office a friend of mine looked into having t-shirts printed that said:

We're Going to Miss You, Bubba

Some presidents leave office and use their connections to alleviate the problems of the world.

Others become consultants, which in my mind, is a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Becky said...

Oh and I almost forgt, Brad and Angelina dontated one million each to Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) and Global Action for Children.