Monday, September 11, 2006

For Jessica

Just wanted to keep you posted on my Socks that Rock.

They are just at the point where I need to do some serious thinking.

And here we have the talented and intelligent Albert Einstein modeling my first lace project.

Man, doesn't he look good in green?


Anonymous said...

You kill me! The sock on The Thinker's head is too funny.

Becky said...

Thanks. and I'm not kidding, socks take some serious thinking.

Becky said...

Thank you. How's our shawl coming along or should I ask?

Jessica said...

I dig the socks a lot! Are they soft? Do you love the yarn as much as I think I will someday?

I'm about halfway done with my first sleve of the man's sweater in Last Minute Knitted Gifts. It's looking very nice (I'm using that Monos you so generously wound for me).