Saturday, September 02, 2006

Ta Dah!

Yeah, my book cases are finally finished.

Now we need to find a really cool painting to go above the fireplace because it looks really bare.

And the fireplace mantle just needs to be grouted so I can put stuff on it. And then I'll get to stand in front of a roaring fire with one arm on the mantle while the other holds my chin in deep contemplation. For some reason deep contemplation always looks like constipation on me. It's not a good look for me.

I even thought (for a nanosecond) that perhaps we could pretend we were normal people and, you know, since John and I are breeders and all, we could gather up the offspring and get one of them there group photos for above the mantle. But that would entail lots of work. I would have to bribe them with food, fried, chicken most likely, and then of course it is highly probably I would have to buy them suitable clothing because I would want them to match my color scheme. And statistically speaking what are my chances of finding all 6 siblings ranging in age from 21 to 30 all sober on the same day?

No, I'll have to settle for a picture of John serenaded our dog Hank with his harmonica.

And I'll spend the money I saved on yarn and books.


Jessica said...

The room looks unbelievably lovely: calm and comforting and a great place to read. What are you reading?

Right now I'm reading about corn in The Omnivore's Dilema. I reccommend it highly.

Becky said...

I'm reading Waterborne by Bruce Murkoff. It's his debut novel about the building of the Boulder dam during the Great Depression.

I'm enjoying it. I'll have to check out The Omnivore's Dilemma.

Anonymous said...

Nothing makes me smile more than a man and his dog doing a duet on the harmonica. I think that would make a fine mantle piece.

Becky said...

They are a class act. I just can't wait for it to get cold enough to have a fire.