Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day 2007

I woke up to the sound of barking dogs at 6 AM. I could hear a sound at the back door like someone was trying to break in. I went to investigate and there was Jacob standing at the back door, juggling a bouquet of pink roses and a card while trying to fight the dogs off. They were so excited to see him.

I called off the hounds and let him in, eventually. I put the roses in water and went to brush my teeth and came out to find him fast asleep in my bed. Hank guarded him while I went to get coffee. I made him breakfast (sausage and eggs) while listening to Green Day.

He ate and showed me how to work the DVD player, again, and then it was time for him to leave for work. We sat in the garden for a moment, my head on his shoulder, and watched the hummingbirds flutter about and talked a bit. He told me how he rememberd when I taught him how to play catch, how we use to lay on the grass and watch clouds, and when I taught him how to roll down a grassy hill. We even laughed about the time I chased him with an axe.

And then he really had to go. I came back into the house and rearranged my flowers and read my card. and I bawled like a baby.

It's the best cry I've had in a long time.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's day Becky!!

Becky said...

Thank you Roni, I hope you had a good one too!

Laura said...

oh Miss Becky... I hope your Mother's Day ended on a lighter note. You are my second favorite mother.

Becky said...

Oh, it did and it was a good cry. Cleansing. I watched Dead Like Me all day, knit on my sweater and started the ribbing on my CPH.

All three boys that aren't here called and that was very sweet.

Sean could see the fire on Catalina from San Clamente Island. What a trip! I had no idea they were that close together.

Laura said...

you're doing the CHP?? damn... i feel so out of the loop! I read the pattern and it looked outrageously difficult to read.

Dead Like Me is pretty funny at first, but then I just got so bored -- maybe you can convince me of it's worthyness.

Also, I wasn't even aware of any fires on Catalina... I need to quit watching cartoons.