Friday, June 16, 2006

All Is Right With The World

I went to see Bubba tonight and all is right with the world again. When I arrived at 6:30 PM it was a cool 98 degrees. Bubba took me for a nice ride, we meandered along the trail, cantered up a few hills and watched the rabbits as they munched on dinner.

'We heard a few coyotes howl in the distance.

And he listened to my day. And with ears like those, you know he's a good listener. He tolerated my rantings, nodded his head in agreement and before I knew it I was enjoying the scenery and forgot what the hell I was so mad about.

There's nothing like a walk through nature to clear your head and a Bubba to take you there.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I don't have a Bubba, but I agree that nature is the restorative thing I know.

Those really are great ears.