Friday, June 09, 2006

Doctors Suck

I went to see the doctor the other day and he tells me I have a bulging disc and degenerative disc disease in two other discs. There is something wrong with my hip that is unrelated to my back problem. I will need xrays for that.

And by the way, you shouldn't be riding a horse. What?

This news really sucks! I waited until I was in my forties to get a horse because I put motherhood first. (Kids are way over rated by the way. ) But grandkids, now that's another story.

I mean I love my kids and all, but they're no Bubba. Look at his face. He's ready to take me anywhere I want to go anytime I want to go. I can barely get my kids to pull weeds on Mother's Day. And that's because they are grown up and have lives independent of mine.

I don't think doctors understand the connection humans have with their animals. I couldn't give up my horse anymore than I could give up my kids.

I can't explain the feeling I get when Bubba hears my voice from a distance, raises his head in recognition and walks to the gate to greet meet me.

I feel downright special.

Riding atop Bubba, I see the world from a totally different perspective. The wild animals on the trails don't run away in fear. I've seen bobcat, deer with their young and coyotes. Bubba never shied away nor did the animals. Bubba doesn't like humans on bikes, though. He steers clear of them as he isn't quite sure what to make of them. He know a predator when he sees one.

Eyes in the front of the head, ears back. And they are quiet and quick.

Or maybe, it's just those crazy outfits. I haven't figured it out.

So, this Sunday morning I'm off to see the world atop Bubba. He's worth the pain. He never complains about my gaining weight. He's a great listener. He never interrupts my boring stories. Before Bubba, I had anxiety attacks on a pretty regular basis.

He's cheaper than therapy.

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